Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why you Need A Security Camera System To Secure A Vehicle?

Car theft and vandalism is on the rise. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, car theft is a profitable business generating nearly $8 billion a year. It is vital that you protect your vehicle. Cameras can ensure the security of your property. In the article Will A Car Security Camera Prevent Auto theft? the website points out that "The car security camera is not meant to be something that blocks access to a vehicle, but a theft deterrent device that gives thieves an incentive to bypass a vehicle.


Not by preventing theft, but by giving thieves an incentive to bypass your vehicle."  And "Thieves that notice a car security camera is in a vehicle will often keep on moving. The chances of having their image wind up as evidence scares most potential car thieves. A car security camera can also be a powerful crime solver if a thief does choose to take the risk." also suggests that car security cameras can be used to do the following:

  • Prevent Vandalism
  • Help to assess liability claims when cars are involved in accidents.

"With today's complicated fault systems, where a driver can be at fault for a specific percentage

of accident damages, car security cameras often help drivers clear their own names and save themselves money when the facts of a crash are disputed. Images from a car security camera can often sway a judge or arbitration panel as part of a holistic illustration of what happened on the road, and who was at fault" (

  • Obtain faster claim payments from insurance companies.
  • Documenting other drivers of the vehicle such as teenage children.

Even though there is high demand for this type of camera security system, they are not readily available in most general electronic stores.  we can help you to select the product that best Security Equipment suits your needs.  Not every camera system is suitable for every situation.  Consider the following:

The Solution

Despite all the limitations that are mentioned above, the only way to catch a car vandal IS with a camera. Having a camera that really works is a lot better than having no camera at all. Make sure the camera you get will actually fulfill its purpose; otherwise you'll be wasting time & money.

Choose one side of the car that vandalism is mostly likely to occur. It's usually the passenger side of the car. If your windshield is tinted, use Black box 5. Mount the camera right against the windshield looking straight forward and locate the DVR somewhere in the car, connected to power.

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If you do not have a tinted window and feel that the camera is too noticeable, you can use Black Box 4 which comes with a pinhole spy camera. However, there is no such thing as super wide pinhole lens, therefore, you will need to place the camera in an angle. Black box 4 can also be used to watch inside of your car as well.

Night vision

Night vision cameras are suitable if you wish to monitor the car when it is dark out. If there is a street light located nearby we recommend using a super low light B/W camera option for the Black Box. Under low light condition this camera can see about 3X better than human eye. If there is no light and its pitch-black outside, you will need to use LED lamps along with the super low light B/W camera. Locate the LED lamp, right against the windshield, pointed along the same direction of the camera. To avoid any kind of reflection make sure that the lamp is not too close to the camera.


About the Author - Consumer Electronics Quality Wholesaler wholesale high quality Car DVD Players, Android Tablet PC, Phones, Security Devices, Surveillance Equipment, Spy Cameras, Electronic Gadgets, iPad Accessories for worldwide customers, eBay sellers, distributors, store owners, retailers, drop shippers and small wholesalers at factory-direct price.

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