Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Benefits of a BluRay DVD Player and PlayStation 3

If you are debating whether or not to purchase a BluRay DVD Player or a PlayStation 3, join the club. Ever since the introduction of BluRay technology, everyone has been vying over which console is better for viewing BluRay discs, and which console is the biggest bang for your buck. Here are some explanations for the Benefits of a BluRay DVD Player and the benefits of a PlayStation 3.

PlayStation 3

The obvious reason to purchase a PlayStation 3 is for gaming. PlayStation 3's are known for being one of the best and clearest gaming consoles on the market. While many people enjoy the interactivity of the Wii, not all people desire to work out while bounding through enemy territories or shooting at zombies. While the PlayStation 3 is ideal for the technologically savvy gamer, it is intended for gaming purposes and not for video watching purposes.

PlayStation 3's are designed for playing games; therefore they have incredible graphics and minimal sound cards. The sound card is incredibly important to people who have surround systems and who have spent a great deal of money boosting the sound quality of their home entertainment system.

BluRay DVD Player

BluRay DVD players are just that, a console that plays BluRay DVDs. While BluRay DVDs are not the old type of DVD that can be played, they are the ideal format because of the intense graphics that are instilled in the player. BluRay DVD players are designed to play BluRay DVDs and are specifically formatted for incredible sound quality and optimal graphics displays. A BluRay DVD player would be ideal for someone who is searching for quality sound and an intense movie experience.

BluRay DVD players are designed for watching BluRay movies; therefore they have incredible sound and graphics. While PlayStation 3's have incredible graphics which are intended for gaming, and decent sound, they are not intended to be critiqued, scrutinized and examined on the graphic level and sound level.

If you are searching for a DVD player with the ability to multifunction, the PlayStation 3 is meant for you. If you are searching for a DVD player with intense graphics and phenomenal sound, the BluRay DVD player is for you. Choose wisely when you choose your entertainment viewing medium as well, because televisions and displays are a vital part of the movie viewing experience.

About the Author

Lindsay Powell is a young professional improving her writing skills and finding inspiration around her.

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