Friday, September 30, 2011

Headlight Evolution to Hid Lights

With the advent of different kinds of transport facilities, there was a need of illuminating the roads and streets in order to avoid any road mishaps. This problem was solved by the development of headlights fixed at the front of vehicle or transport. I the beginning the headlights of horse carriages were oil burnt lamps which were fixed with the carriages. These lamps were illuminated by means of oil. Later on with the invention of cars, headlights were created. Further development continued from headlight evolution to HID lights.

In the beginning lamps burnt with oil were used as these were thought to be more resistant than any other material to rain and storms. Therefore their use remained prevalent even after the invention of electrical sources of illumination like electric bulbs. It was thought at that time that electric bulbs are very unreliable and fragile because these could be broken very easily and were very fragile. The journey of headlight evolution to HID lights was started when the electric car light were used for the first time in cars. It was in 1898 in Connecticut when the first ever lights for cars were made and used.

After that progress went on in many areas and it ultimately led to the development of a complete electrical fitting system in cars. This was the first step of headlight evolution to HID lights. The new system introduced in cars for illuminating the roads as well as inside of the car was very unique and different. There were many systems combined in this system like ignition, starting and charging of the lights. This system formed the basis of the modern wiring system of houses. Previously the adjustment of headlights was to be done manually and by getting out of the car every time. There was no such concept as any automatic system for adjusting lights in the car.

After that a lever was made and adjusted inside the car from where the driver could adjust the lighting according to requirement. Further evolution led to formation of the dimmer switch. This was in use till the end of twentieth century and was fixed in the cars of Ford motor company. Then a dual filament bulb was introduced. This bulb was designed in such a way that it could be able to adjust the strength of light beam being strong or weak. However the headlights were made which were properly sealed and their beam was properly controlled. It was in use since a long time.

There is a long list of development which was made in order to serve as lighting source for cars during the twentieth century. Among these the halogen bulbs were also commonly used and introduced in Europe. However these bulbs were not allowed to be used in the United States due to certain rules and regulations. All these different kinds of headlights were used as the main source of car illuminating agents until the invention and evolution of HID lamps. Presently the HID lamps are considered as the most modern and useful source of light to be used on cars.

For more information visit,

<a href = "">HID Kits</a> and
<a href = "">HID Kit</a>

About the Author

For more information visit,

<a href = "">HID Kits</a> and
<a href = "">HID Kit</a>

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