Monday, September 19, 2011

How to tour your city this summer?

Summer is creeping up quickly – long days with early sunrises and late sunsets, day full of sunshine and endless possibility. Summertime is a time for the outdoors – soaking up sun and recovering from the days of winter of being cooked up indoors.


Summer doesn't have to be for the outdoors only, though. There are many ways to bring summertime inside, to make the moments during the long days of summer comfortable, both outdoor and in.


Summer is the time that I let my kids bring in flowers, seashells, jars of sand, and other natural goodness. There is nothing more authentic to add to the home this time of year than what you find outside your back door. Pick fresh flowers, fill jars with shells from your vacation, and make your home feel like the great summer outdoors.


Two summers ago, our family took a staycation instead of a vacation. We stayed in our home, went to the neighborhood water park a few times, enjoyed leisurely picnics for our dinners, and had a few later nights watching movies and popping popcorn.


Staycations are super popular now because of the economy; more and more families are opting to save money and tour their own hometown. It's a great alternative when you don't have the finances allotted for a traditional vacation, yet you're in need of some quality family time. Staycations are a great idea for a frugal, relationship-centered family.


This summer I took my kids into the city – when my son was a baby, we went all of the time, but with two kids and a bulky stroller, I hesitated going urban (we primarily do Union Station, the Plaza and Crown Center). Now they are walking talking humans and I showed them the parts of Kansas City that made me fall in love. The gritty parts, the little restaurants…


I find it's also a good time to do those little projects that you want to do, but never seem to get around to. We're in the middle of our staycation right now! So far this week we also have picked berries, made jam, and gone camping. And with a 2 din car DVD player, all the journeys full of joy and excitement.


What is one thing you've always wanted to see or do in your hometown but haven't done it? Is it something you can do as a family next summer? If you haven't yet marked your calendar, I highly encourage you to put something down. These kinds of family events are what memories are made of, and it's a great time to bond, enjoy, and catch up with each other.


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<a href="">2 din car dvd</a>

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