Monday, September 19, 2011

The Stun Gun Flashlight Is Really A Stun Baton But Better

The stun gun flashlight is unlike any non-lethal self-defense weapon ever made and in my humble opinion a far superior device to the vast majority of stun devices on the market today. First and foremost this item is a multi-functioning piece of hardware as opposed to most traditional stun devices which are only that, stun devices. With the stun gun flashlight you have an item with a tremendous amount of versatility and still have a stun device strong enough and capable enough to stop even the most viscous and determined of attackers. Now it is true that there are plenty of stun devices out there that can get the job done but they are only good for that one single purpose of stopping an attack. I am fairly certain that keeping you from being attacked is one of if not the most important job a device could have as it could potentially save your life but chances are very good you'll never require that function, at least I hope that you do not. So why not have a device that has so much more?

First of all it is a flashlight and who couldn't use a flashlight now and again? Secondly, it has a detachable red cone that allows this device to double as a traffic warning tool that can help put your mind at ease should you find yourself stranded on the highway at might. Third, it has a 130 decibel personal alarm built in which it uses to help as a backup to the stun device. 130 decibels is roughly as loud as sitting in the tenth row of the average rock and roll concert so it should be plenty loud enough to signal for help and just as likely scare the holy bejeezus out of your potential attacker and keep you from having to use the stun device in the first place.

Last but certainly not least this thing is a stun gun but not just any stun gun. The stun gun flashlight is almost 17 inches long and that really makes this stun gun a stun baton. Stun batons are far more effective than a traditional stun device because it gives you the same advantage as most professional boxers would like to enjoy over their opponents and that is reach. The further you can be from your attacker when subduing him the better off you are going to be and i don't think I need to explain why that is.

So if you are considering equipping yourself with a non-lethal self-defense tool i hope that you will keep an item like the stun gun flashlight in mind.


Stay Safe,

Puzek Security Systems


To see more stun batons like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online.

About the Author

Carl Vouer is a proud distributor of non-lethal self defense products and home security systems.

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