Friday, September 30, 2011

Xenon HID lights advantages over halogen lights

HID or High Intensity Discharge is taking over the market, and has achieved a higher rank in a car industry, than standard halogen lights.  Conversion to xenon HID lights from halogen lights comes up to be a major breakthrough in car`s industry. More drivers each day decide to install HID kits in their headlights to achieve better lightning on wider terrain, and really important thing is to be pay attention for, these lights will cause eventual glare at the drivers driving from opposite direction. Researches on car crashes done in 2010th, performed by Institute for transportation in United States of America, has showed that up to 60% of car accidents have happened due to lightless environment and inconvenient headlights. 

HID conversion kits offer us high number of advantages in different areas which certainly makes them a better choice. From brighter color, better light intensity to increased visibility, high intensity discharge technology is taking over. The secret of high intensity discharge lights lays inside it`s very nature. These lights are made from atmospheric gas, xenon, which lasts three times longer than halogen, from which are standard headlights made of. As this light comes up to be brighter than halogen ones, it cuts easier through the darkness and some adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog and these lights are not leaving any place for potential blind spots. The brighter light is, the wider radius it illuminates, therefore HID lights will illuminate 70% wider radius than halogen lights. Durability of these lights lays inside low electricity demand and since these lights are not based on carbon filament but on a gas, xenon HID lights can take road conditions, like high vibrations, way better. As final hit to the halogen lights, xenon HID lights use 25% less energy which is another big advantage over standard lights. The main disadvantage of these lights is not so approachable price of theirs since sometimes you will find Xenon HID kits cost up to few thousand dollars. You can save money by buying individual parts each from another distributor. HID kits are made up of six parts that are particularly easy to install: two ballasts, two igniters and two bulbs. Once you come up to buying a HID kits you have to pay attention for color of a HID KIT and it`s temperature. Motorcyclists will also be well pleased with this innovation in industry of motor vehicles, as xenon bulbs will use only 1/3 than usual lights and this will certainly make less impact on vehicle`s electrical system.

To reduce glaring at the other drivers on the road, a self-leveling system has been equipped into each HID kit, to avoid eventual negative effects of xenon lighting. As HID technology spread across the globe, HID conversion kits gained on popularity as much as they got into conflict with law and got forbidden by the Department of Transportation. Each driver, attempting to install xenon lights, should be aware of local laws and on-road directives which might possibly forbid utility of such a car installation.   

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