Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Stun Gun Flashlight Might Just Be The Best Stun Gun Of All Time

I love non-lethal self-defense products. How can you not love a product that was intended to protect the lives of every human life involved in an attack (including the attacker). That is about as humane and just as an inanimate object can possibly get. There's defensive sprays like pepper spray and mace, personal alarms, tasers and possibly my favorite of all, stun guns. Stun guns are an immensely effective means of protecting one's self against attack by using a high voltage, low amperage electrical current that disrupts the attacker's neurological system. Fortunately for your attacker the disruption is only temporary and does not leave them permanently disabled or dead. But what is my favorite stun gun you ask (you asked, right?)? The Stun gun flashlight of course.

The reason I love the stun gun flashlight so much is because first and foremost it is a superior stun device as compared to the usual devices of its kind. Regular stun guns fire no projectiles, as is the case with a taser or firearm, and need to actually be touching an assailant in order for the device to work its magic. This means that in order for a normal stun gun to be effective you will need to be in very close proximity to your attacker and this may be a little unsettling to some and possibly even dangerous. With the stun gun flashlight however you have a little more room to work with as it really works as a stun baton. More reach equals a higher probability that you can use the device without having to be as close to your attacker and hence the threat of having the stun gun taken from you is not as great.

The fact that the stun gun flashlight is a superior stun device is not the only reason I feel it is the "best of all time" though. I love it so because it's a tool that can be used on almost a daily basis and not as a stun device. This little baby is a lot more than a non-lethal self-defense weapon. For one, it's a flashlight and who the heck doesn't need a good flashlight now and again. It also has a detachable red cone in case of traffic emergencies when you're out on the road at night and have car trouble. There are a few places you don't want to be when it's dark out and the side of a highway with cars zipping pass in excess of 65 m.p.h. is certainly one of them. It also comes equipped with a 130 decibel alarm. How loud is 130 decibels? An average rock concert registers at about 120-140 decibels in the first few rows. That is plenty loud enough to scare the holy heck out of an approaching assailant and more than loud enough to summon the attention of everybody within earshot.

For all of these reasons, how can I help but declare the stun gun flashlight the greatest stun device of all time.


Stay Safe,

Carl Vouer


To see where to buy stun guns like the stun gun flashlight please visit us online.

About the Author

Carl Vouer is a proud distributor of non-lethal self defense products and home security systems.

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