Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Primary Concepts of Servo Motion Control


The basic premises of servo motion control have not undergone change over the span of the past five decades or so.  The chief reason behind the use of servo systems in place of open loop systems is the necessity to improve substantially on the transient response times. This also makes the load parameters far less sensitive and also minimises steady state errors.


The improvement in the department of the transient response time translates into increasing the system bandwidth considerably.  A quick response time ensures prompt settling thus enabling greater output from the machine.  A decrease in the number of steady state errors means greater accuracy of the servo system or the servo drives. The decrease in the sensitivity of the load parameters implies that the system can stand fluctuations in case of output and input parameters. Instances of output parameter fluctuations can be found in the drastic real time change in mass and sudden shaft torque disturbances.


Servo control can be primarily categories into two classes of issues. The first of these deals with the issue of command tracking.  This aspect takes into account how well the actual motion follows the command. The chief commands that are used in case rotary motion include torque, velocity, position and acceleration. When it comes to liner motion, torque is replaced by force. The section of servo control that particularly deals with this is known as Feedforward control.  The next class of servo control takes into account the issues of disturbance rejection which is an integral part of the system.  This may include inaccurate motor parameter estimation to torque disturbances. The inclusion of motor feedback in servo systems gives it an advantage over ac servo drives.


The servo motor provides torque that is proportional to the power of the magnetic field as well as with the electric carrying conductors. The magnetic field in this servo motor stator revolves at a given velocity that is proportional to the applied voltage's frequency. It is highly significant to know about motion control and its usefulness in the industrial scenario.


You can read up more exclusively on the subject by browsing the web in this connection and know how it all functions.




About the Author

Article by Jenny, content writer at Inter-Dev Internet Marketing Company, on behalf of – Custom Servo Drives


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