Friday, September 30, 2011

Xenon HID lights advantages over halogen lights

HID or High Intensity Discharge is taking over the market, and has achieved a higher rank in a car industry, than standard halogen lights.  Conversion to xenon HID lights from halogen lights comes up to be a major breakthrough in car`s industry. More drivers each day decide to install HID kits in their headlights to achieve better lightning on wider terrain, and really important thing is to be pay attention for, these lights will cause eventual glare at the drivers driving from opposite direction. Researches on car crashes done in 2010th, performed by Institute for transportation in United States of America, has showed that up to 60% of car accidents have happened due to lightless environment and inconvenient headlights. 

HID conversion kits offer us high number of advantages in different areas which certainly makes them a better choice. From brighter color, better light intensity to increased visibility, high intensity discharge technology is taking over. The secret of high intensity discharge lights lays inside it`s very nature. These lights are made from atmospheric gas, xenon, which lasts three times longer than halogen, from which are standard headlights made of. As this light comes up to be brighter than halogen ones, it cuts easier through the darkness and some adverse weather conditions such as rain or fog and these lights are not leaving any place for potential blind spots. The brighter light is, the wider radius it illuminates, therefore HID lights will illuminate 70% wider radius than halogen lights. Durability of these lights lays inside low electricity demand and since these lights are not based on carbon filament but on a gas, xenon HID lights can take road conditions, like high vibrations, way better. As final hit to the halogen lights, xenon HID lights use 25% less energy which is another big advantage over standard lights. The main disadvantage of these lights is not so approachable price of theirs since sometimes you will find Xenon HID kits cost up to few thousand dollars. You can save money by buying individual parts each from another distributor. HID kits are made up of six parts that are particularly easy to install: two ballasts, two igniters and two bulbs. Once you come up to buying a HID kits you have to pay attention for color of a HID KIT and it`s temperature. Motorcyclists will also be well pleased with this innovation in industry of motor vehicles, as xenon bulbs will use only 1/3 than usual lights and this will certainly make less impact on vehicle`s electrical system.

To reduce glaring at the other drivers on the road, a self-leveling system has been equipped into each HID kit, to avoid eventual negative effects of xenon lighting. As HID technology spread across the globe, HID conversion kits gained on popularity as much as they got into conflict with law and got forbidden by the Department of Transportation. Each driver, attempting to install xenon lights, should be aware of local laws and on-road directives which might possibly forbid utility of such a car installation.   

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HID kits installation

HID kits installation should not take too long, not more than 45 minutes even for inexperienced persons, and is plug-and-play process. Each individual should pay attention to gain a guarantee papers before purchasing to make sure that product has been checked on origin and can be restored in case of failure due to installation or incorrect parts. Experienced mechanics will install HID kit in 20 minutes top, without running on complications caused by car`s installation or some unusual elements that might interfere.

Why people decide to choose xenon HID kits is simple as it can be, these lights will offer wider radius of illuminated space and up to 70% brighter light than at standard halogen lights and unavoidable more attractive look of headlights. Before installation it is important to notice that technically HID kits are illegal but there are small chances to get "pinned down" because of this, to narrow down even those small chances, each driver should properly install HID kit and pay attention to beam pattern. Another important thing is to make sure you have sharp cutoff on your light outputs to prevent the glare effect onto the incoming traffic from opposite direction. The Department of Transportation has clearly stated out that improperly installed HID kits are getting a lot of complaints and are strictly forbidden. Regarding the distributors they will all call on their very own disclaimers about their product`s off-road utility only but its no secret that no one actually comes to respect this rule, at least not when we talk about color light below 6,000 Kelvins.

Once started installing your HID kit, pay attention that you don`t touch the bulb with your hands, in case you do make sure to rub it off with alcohol, bulb is being carried by its plastic base. As whole equipment should be tested, so should be the bulb, once you get to test it don`t look straight to it as this might inflict the permanent damage to your eyesight. As stated above, adjustment of headlights should be done in a proper way, make sure your pattern is settled the way it should be just like the height of the beam, since inappropriate adjustment might result in glare effect on vehicles coming from opposite direction. This is the easiest to done by parking behind another vehicle on straight surface on destination of twenty feet. The cut-off of the beam should hit the car in front of you right above the bumper, to adjust the both headlights, park against the wall on same destination of twenty feet and go on with adjustment until both of cut-offs line up with each other. For difference of halogen based lights, this system uses much higher voltage, up to twenty-three thousands Volts, simply because of this reason itself, make sure your hands are not wet whether by water or oil or some third matter, as you might encounter hard electrical shock or serious burnings of a first degree. Flickering is one of problems usually solved by connecting resistors on the system. Cars possessing the computer system might read the error caused by flicking of the lights. This happens due to no resistance recognized by the system, and is always case after converting from lights system based on halogen gas.

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HID Lights Classification

High Intensity Discharge lights also known as HID are well spread and popular all over industry of automotive lights and vehicles equipment. These lights offer multiple features beating it`s competition with ease. Technology of the lights is based on xenon gasses and their mixtures with metal salt particles. Lights are made up out of two bulbs and two igniters as well as core of the whole system the ballast. HID Lights are taking over the market and getting more and more popular each day. High price and technical on-read illegality has already become distinctive feature for nowadays drivers.

The main difference between brand new, xenon based, HID lights and standard halogen lights is filament absence in case of HID lights. These lights don`t need filament as the ether which transfers the beam of light is xenon gas itself. Main classification is done by light color temperatures, precisely Kelvin degrees. Each temperature range responds to different color of light, as temperature range goes from 4,300 Kelvin degrees reaching the peak at 30,000 Kelvins. Colors vary from Crystal White to Purple and color temperatures often met on-road is between 5,000 and 6,000 Kelvins, these temperature refer to White and Crystal White color . These temperatures are mostly used from simple reason, because these colors refer to noon daylight color and at this spot human reacts the fastest and get the best contrast sight. HID kits with color temperature over 10,000 Kelvins are usually forbidden and are allowed only at off-rode activities and as such are used on car shows and in car racing arenas. Each HID kit distributer is obliged to use the markings on the outer lens of a headlamp with the light source which is used in headlamps. DOT marking should appear on your lens as proof that your HID kit complies to regulative of Department of Transportation.

Another classification is done on bulb basis and beam configuration and this classification has divided HID lights into four large categories. First category is single beam kits and they come in combination of two ballasts and pair of HID bulbs. This category is meant for vehicles that use two separated light systems, low and high beam system, which are independent one from another. In this case HID kit is usually installed on the lower beam system while upper one is still performed by standard halogen light system. Category number two includes low or high beam xenon kits; these usually come with pair of bulbs and a pair of ballasts. Third category is named telescopic one and this one offers full range of high and low beam operations; this is a single kit which switches between operations of low and high beam pattern and comes with two ballasts. Fourth category is a category of bi-xenon HID headlamps containing two pairs of HID bulbs and four ballasts. High intensity discharge headlights are world wide spread product which made a breakthrough on the market right after it appeared on it. This is a technology that is yet to be developed even more.  

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HID Lights Pay More Than What They are Paid for

In this glamour seeking world of today every body loves to win the attention of others and keep him prominent whether he is at home, in streets or at his workplace. He wants that his house should be more beautiful than others. He desires that his car should be fitted with sophisticated gadgets and he should run on the road as if he is driving in the cool daylight. So he seeks after such novelties and makes his selections. One of his choice may be HID Lights. A car having HID Lights runs faster as the driving person can easily look at the things moving on the road. If the road is bumpy or has any dismantled bridge, the driving person can foresee the danger. In addition to it, he can keep his eyes on the oncoming vehicles from a very far distance. HID Lights not only enhance the visibility of the road but they also turned the vehicle into a thing of beauty. This is why all the luxury cars are fitted with HID Lights. Hunters use these lights not only to make their journey quicker and safer but also to see their prey at dark nights. Similarly, sports cars are also usually adorned with HID Lights.

HID Lights use metallic salts and xenon gas to increase their brightness to amazing effect. Ordinary headlights are usually dim and dangerous in foggy or hazy conditions. We have lost many precious lives in accidents that happened just by reason of poor visibility. A person whose vehicle is equipped with HID Lights can save his life and the lives of other road users from such fatalities. HID Lights are manufactured with innovative technology and their light is about three hundred percent brighter than common halogen lights. Another advantage of HID Lights is that their brightness never weakens on the road even on long journeys whereas regular lights get bedimmed as the constant movement is prolonged. Vibration of vehicle disturbs the visual effect of the light produced by regular halogen headlights. But in case of HID Lights no such visibility distortion is experienced.

HID Lights not only make nocturnal driving more safe and sound but also imparts gracefulness to the vehicle. While driving on busy streets and roads driving person can easily see the smiles on the faces of passers-by. Eyes of the people standing on the footpath hanker after the vehicle and enjoy themselves with the glittering scenes which are made visible by the brightness of HID Lights. All the luxury cars are beautified with the fitting of HID Lights. These lights are considered as the symbol of grace and glamour. They are available every where and a common mechanic can embed them on the face of the vehicle. These lights can be regarded as eyes of the vehicle that tell what is in front of them with wonderful acuity. They are not only meant for cars or motorbikes but all other vehicles can gain the same glory of sight at dark nights. They can not only save from fatal mishaps but also dignify the person whose hands steers them.

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Uses Of LED Technology

LED usage has many advantages especially when it comes to saving energy. The LED lightning is very much safer than ordinary bulb lightning, simply because of heating tendency of ordinary bulb. However, in LED this is not the case. Beside this there are lots of other advantages of LED, which are yet to be discovered.LED lights are designed in colors instead of translucent lights. For the first they were introduced for charismas decoration. It was believed that they would not provide any harm to decorations. Since then, technology and design of LEDs is improving and becoming better.

LED is now being used for many different purposes. As mentioned above, they are commonly used in charismas decoration. LEDs are also present in exit signs and traffic lights. As LEDs have more work life than ordinary bulbs they can be utilized in making toys and flashlights. They are very useful in elevator push buttons. Beside these, status indicators installed on all types of technology and equipments are also using LED lightning.

For safer night riding they are also useful in bicycles and motorcycles. LEDs also have some uses in movement sensors and glow lights. Thin lightweight display of LEDs is utilizable at busses, ferries, highway signs, trams, and airports and also at subway stations. LEDs are very useful in eliminating the energy wastage, redubbing electrical risk, and in improving the environment.

They are also present in the light bars of emergency vehicles like ambulance and fire brigade. Now, LEDS are present in the most of the trucks and buses, and high mounted automotive brakes lights. Moreover, remote controls of CD players, television, DVD and stereo also contain infrared LED light. The LED technology is now frequently used in the back lights of LCD television. New equipment of theatrical stage lightning are now been created by using LED for the primary blue-green-red arrangement.

As opposed to the translucent light, LEDs are usually and very effectively are designed in colors. The color range varies from very pale to very dark and can be utilized in many different purposes. The very wonderful idea of using LED technology is the most graspable especially when it comes to searching alternative sources of energy and light. They were used for the first time in the decorations of charismas, and since then they are serving for many different purposes. The ordinary light bulbs generate heat which may result in fire broke out. So, LEDs are very good replacement of ordinary bulbs as this risk is not associated with them.

LEDs are not as inexpensive as they suppose to be. However, technology, designs, and research have been upgraded. Moreover, ways to improve and control the expense of LEDs for utilizing them in many more purposes is continuously under consideration. According to many experts, in near future the modification of LEDs made will overcome the issue of cost. Mainly because of the incredible ability LED technology to last linger as compare to ordinary bulbs and safety issues. The main goal of LED technology is to made it more and more beneficial and useful.

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Headlight Evolution to Hid Lights

With the advent of different kinds of transport facilities, there was a need of illuminating the roads and streets in order to avoid any road mishaps. This problem was solved by the development of headlights fixed at the front of vehicle or transport. I the beginning the headlights of horse carriages were oil burnt lamps which were fixed with the carriages. These lamps were illuminated by means of oil. Later on with the invention of cars, headlights were created. Further development continued from headlight evolution to HID lights.

In the beginning lamps burnt with oil were used as these were thought to be more resistant than any other material to rain and storms. Therefore their use remained prevalent even after the invention of electrical sources of illumination like electric bulbs. It was thought at that time that electric bulbs are very unreliable and fragile because these could be broken very easily and were very fragile. The journey of headlight evolution to HID lights was started when the electric car light were used for the first time in cars. It was in 1898 in Connecticut when the first ever lights for cars were made and used.

After that progress went on in many areas and it ultimately led to the development of a complete electrical fitting system in cars. This was the first step of headlight evolution to HID lights. The new system introduced in cars for illuminating the roads as well as inside of the car was very unique and different. There were many systems combined in this system like ignition, starting and charging of the lights. This system formed the basis of the modern wiring system of houses. Previously the adjustment of headlights was to be done manually and by getting out of the car every time. There was no such concept as any automatic system for adjusting lights in the car.

After that a lever was made and adjusted inside the car from where the driver could adjust the lighting according to requirement. Further evolution led to formation of the dimmer switch. This was in use till the end of twentieth century and was fixed in the cars of Ford motor company. Then a dual filament bulb was introduced. This bulb was designed in such a way that it could be able to adjust the strength of light beam being strong or weak. However the headlights were made which were properly sealed and their beam was properly controlled. It was in use since a long time.

There is a long list of development which was made in order to serve as lighting source for cars during the twentieth century. Among these the halogen bulbs were also commonly used and introduced in Europe. However these bulbs were not allowed to be used in the United States due to certain rules and regulations. All these different kinds of headlights were used as the main source of car illuminating agents until the invention and evolution of HID lamps. Presently the HID lamps are considered as the most modern and useful source of light to be used on cars.

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Get Clear Tail Lights To Make Your Car Look Very Impressive

Thinking of buying all sort of weird items to make your car look more impressive ad better than others? If this is the case than there are many accessories that can be added to make your car look a lot different in a good manor and stand out in many cars on the road and the tail lights are one of them. As for why tail lights are important I your car is because of your own safety as these are the ones that let know the cars behind you how your car would behave and what would be the next step for them to keep their safety ad surely a distance from your car. Without tail lights it is certainly not possible for you to indicate the vehicles behind of your motions on the road. Now as you know how important they are for your safety does not mean that they just can't put in their share to make your care attractive ad impressive.

Nowadays almost everyone is giving great focus on buying items that could make their car look really attractive just not for the cause to show-off but this thing also reflects the personality of the owner and thus makes and alluring feeling in others mind. What clear lights are just clusters of internal lamps which are then covered in acrylic to give a new look. These acrylic covers are most of the time kept clear but many people like to have them tinted. The best one ad the most costly of all these acrylic lights are those which have LED light bulbs in them which gives a very lavish look to your car.

So indeed you must get these clear tail lights on your car as they look really impressive instead of those standard tail lights. The clear tail lights are easy to install and gives a look to the back of your car that catches up everyone's look. These just do not look great at night but also look fabulous at day time.

Well if you are looking to buy some and on an affordable price then you must seek a retailer and an online one would be the best who stores a huge range of these lights. In this way you would be able to choose from a wide range of selection, from carbon fiber and chrome to clear ones or even the smoked ones. You need to be sure of the retailer when you are buying these lights. You must consider the one that keeps only the original, genuine, after market parts as to make sure the parts you buy from the retailer last long ad gives you the best performance that you wanted to have. With this you can get much better rates from an online retailer than from any local shop just because of large scale that the retailer hold and due to wholesale price that the online business works on. So just go ahead and order for your car the best tail lights that would make it much more impressive.


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Exposition of Xenon Headlights

Whenever someone goes to market to buy any thing it is difficult for him to decide what to buy without knowing the merits and demerits of the thing he is going to buy. A person, who owns a car and needs headlights for it, would go to market and see that many types of headlights with different make and shape are available over there. So, buyer must have the knowledge of the item he wants to purchase. In this context, the seller may also give him the details of advantages and deprivations that may result after that specific deal.

As far as Xenon Headlights are concerned, an odorless and colorless gas which is known as xenon is used in them. This gas was discovered shortly after 1898 and since its discovery has been utilized for many different purposes especially related to photography and light producing processes. It is used in mobile phones for taking pictures in dark situations. Mobile phones having xenon flash system are liked all over the world and are sold at high prices.

Xenon gas is naturally found in atmosphere in small traces. Atmospheric air is dominated by the presence of nitrogen gas followed by oxygen with small quantities of other gases. This mixture of gases is cooled until the liquefaction of oxygen. In this way, the large component of air that is nitrogen is separated. The remaining oxygen which is in liquid form contains small amounts of krypton and xenon. This liquid mixture of oxygen having traces of xenon is further processed until the extraction of xenon in pure form.

This purified form of xenon is used in manufacturing headlights. This is the reason for which these lights are called Xenon Headlights. These headlights produce very bright light which is used for lighting up the dark roads. Xenon Headlights have many advantages over regular kinds of headlights. They are easy to install and an ordinary person can handle them. They are not only used in vehicles but there many devices and location that depend upon Xenon Headlights. It is also stated that they are leak-proof and there is not any danger of their undesirable emission.

However, this gas is very toxic and its leakage may cause numbness and anesthetic effect. It is, therefore, recommended that they should be handled carefully to avoid from any lethal situation. Manufacturers of Xenon Headlights have tried best to find all possible precautionary measures in this context. They have used non-fragile material for this purpose and assure that no such incident may occur if proper care is taken in their handling. This gas cannot be filled in plastic wares. Plastic containers cannot detain its leakage so special type of glassy material is used for this purpose.

The buyer should browse internet and get information about all the companies which are manufacturing Xenon Headlights. No doubt, Xenon Headlights are more expensive than regular headlights but it should be kept in mind that its manufacturer has to do a lot of work and investment for its production. Buyer can compare the prices and decide what and where to buy.

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Maintaining Your Camera Lenses

With no doubt lenses is the most sensitive equipment in a camera. Camera lenses should therefore be handled with great care. They are delicate and needs to be taken care of. I have never heard of any camera that functions without the use of lenses. That shows that a lens is an integral part of a camera. Different cameras especially digital cameras have different kind of lenses. These camera lenses vary according to their specifications and each need different ways of maintaining them so that they don't get damaged.


Having the best lens always means quality photos and most camera lenses that are considered the best are relatively expensive. That means if you are doing photography as an income generating activity, then you need to take great care of your lenses so that you cut the cost of having to buy them all the time to do replacements. To most photographers, working with the best lenses gives them the morale of wanting to take photos each and every time. It's like an artist and a painting brush. When an artist has the best brush in his or her hands, he or she will always want to do the painting all the time.


Taking great care of the lenses present in your camera can save you a great deal of not having to spend cash on new lenses. It would be bad if you are using those types of cameras with fixed lenses. With such cameras, you will have to buy another camera if the lenses get damaged. Lenses on digital SLR cameras can be replaced but are a little bit expensive so the best option is just to take good care of the lenses that you have. Here are some useful tips on how to maintain your camera lenses.


When purchasing you camera it is recommendable that you know which type of lenses it has. This will give you an upper hand in maintaining the lenses because you will have a better knowledge of which type of lenses you are dealing with.


Avoid possible scratches and dust accumulation on the lenses by always covering your lenses with the lens cap while not taking photos. Sometimes lens caps always accumulate dirt and dust and therefore it is advisable that you clean your lens cap regularly. Don't get too nervous if a small amount of dust is on your lens especially if it does not affect the image quality. If you get too possessive you will end up wiping your lenses all the time and that is not recommendable. In most cases when you are in the field and not equipped with lens cleaning materials you are likely to end up wiping your lenses with your fingers. These lenses are very sensitive and leaving fingerprints on them might affect the image quality.


It is highly recommendable that you let an expert clean your camera lenses instead of doing it yourself. If you can handle the cleaning then it is advisable that you use high quality lens cleaning materials. Use the best lens cleaning brush, wiping cloth and a blower.

About the Author

Kevin Wu writes for Australian Online Shopping Siteselling Camera Lenses for cameras of all the major brands.

Just What is a Cash Machine?

Cash Machines, cash terminals or ATMs can be found all over the world, what's more, is that the demand for these devices is high and growing, and everyone, from people in the busiest cities to residents of the quietest, sleepiest villages, needs access to their cash at any time. But while it's easy to see why cash machines have become so popular over the decades, because they allow people to have access to their own money, withdraw as much money as they would like and also make their transaction as quickly as possible, not many people know how they work.

The answer is behind the familiar screen and the keypad that we know and recognise is a highly intelligent and accurate piece of software and machinery that was created in order to help people withdraw their money. While cash machines have changed over time to cope with demand and the upgrading of the technology, every ATM uses the same software in order to work properly and efficiently. This technology is known as EMV, which is taken from the card schemes Europay, Mastercard and Visa, the companies that helped develop this technology. EMV is a type of software based on card chip technology, as in 'Chip and Pin' the payment system brought into make card payments more secure. Simply put, EMV has been put in place to validate the card, authorise the withdrawal, and most important protect the customer while they access their money.

It does this by exchanging dozens of pieces of information between the chip on the debit or credit card, the actual card terminal and the bank. This means that the terminal itself has to perform a number of complex processes in order to complete the transaction.

EMV is globally recognised as 'must have' for credit and debit card providers as it helps to protect the card issuer, the bank, and most importantly the customer from fraudulent transactions and to ensure that no one attempts to remove money from the customer's account without their prior knowledge and permission.

Because taking cash out from a cash line or ATM can take up so little of our time, it can be very easy to overlook just what exactly happens inside this machine while we type in our PIN or Personal Identification Number and select the options before waiting for our cash. But remember that cash machines were created in order to make our lives a lot easier, and stop us from having to go in the bank and queue. So remember that ATMs are a luxury for everybody and treat them with the respect and care that they deserve, so know that you know a little about how they work, and have been introduced to the technology and software that they use, such as EMV Kernel, you can have a new found appreciation for just what it is that cash machines do.

About the Author

Harvey is passionate about finding the best ATM information possible.

TI, CORE delivers STEM Solution for Indian Schools

TI, CORE delivers STEM Solution for Indian Schools 

With the launch of Texas Instruments (TI) Education Technology business in India, TI and CORE Education and Technologies Ltd. has announced that they are joining forces to bring a new way of teaching and learning math and science to middle and secondary schools throughout India. The joint effort combines TI's education technology solution with CORE's content, teacher education and support to form one integrated solution called STEMpower.The joint effort combines TI's education technology solution with CORE's content, teacher education and support to form one integrated solution called STEMpower.


Utilizing TI-NspireTM technology by TI, STEMpower empowers teachers to take control of the classroom and save time. This solution connects the teacher's computer with every student's handheld device, leading to instant assessment. Teachers have more insight into the progress of each student, can personalize their teaching style to fit class needs, and promote student collaboration.


CORE is also said to provide consistent, quality teacher education to ensure that teachers know how to effectively use the technology. The teacher learning program will help them to update their pedagogy skills with the latest trends in classroom teaching methods.


Melendy Lovett, President, Texas Instruments Education Technology said, "At Texas Instruments, it is our mission to ensure that every student has an opportunity to stay engaged in learning math and science. As we team up with CORE to introduce STEMpower to the Indian education system, we are focused on providing an integrated, low overhead solution with the right set of tools and resources that educators and schools need to be successful in improving student achievement."


"At CORE we believe that an energized, empowered and enlightened mind can transform organizations, societies and nations. STEM is about more than just education - it is about our economic future. The viable jobs of the 21st century will require high degrees of STEM literacy, and if our communities don't have a STEM-literate workforce, those jobs can and will go elsewhere. Our association with Texas Instruments is an important step in bringing revolutions in teaching, learning and assessment of Math and Science in the Indian education space," said Sanjeev Mansotra, Chairman and Global CEO, CORE Education and Technologies Ltd.


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VARIndia provides the Latest & Top Breaking Information Technology (IT) news, 
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HTC expands market for advanced Smartphones

HTC expands market for advanced Smartphones 

HTC Corporation has unveiled HTC Explorer, a smartphone which includes a customizable lock screen that enables quick access to the camera for capturing important moments. There is a new Smart Dialer that displays a one-touch menu for quick, easy dialing of contacts.  This smartphone also tracks social updates from colleagues, friends and family with the People widget. One can also easily send a photo, video clip or location in a message with just one touch.There is a new Smart Dialer that displays a one-touch menu for quick, easy dialing of contacts.  This smartphone also tracks social updates from colleagues, friends and family with the People widget. One can also easily send a photo, video clip or location in a message with just one touch.



"HTC Explorer is an easy-to-use smartphone that puts the customer in control, providing quick access to their most important content and information. HTC Explorer is simply a smarter phone for anyone and it represents another clear demonstration of HTC's global commitment to expanding the market for advanced smartphones,  HTC Explorer is simply a smarter phone for anyone and it represents another clear demonstration of HTC's global commitment to expanding the market for advanced smartphones," said Jason Mackenzie, president of global sales and marketing, HTC Corporation.



HTC Explorer features Adobe Flash support, 3.2"HVGA display and 3MP camera. Smart URL prediction provides quick access to the top 100 websites, while automatic URL correction streamlines web navigation. The HTC Explorer allows you to access multiple work and personal email accounts and combine different calendars into a single view.The HTC Explorer allows you to access multiple work and personal email accounts and combine different calendars into a single view. Moreover, it also offers you control over your data and mobile services with a usage monitor that tracks your call minutes, messages and data to keep you on top of your spending. 


The HTC Explorer will be available across key markets in EMEA and Asia from Q4 2011 in Metallic Black, Active Black and Metallic Navy. Customers will be also able to customize their HTC Explorer with a range of optional back covers including Metallic Blue, Metallic Orange, Metallic White and Metallic Purple. Customers will be also able to customize their HTC Explorer with a range of optional back covers including Metallic Blue, Metallic Orange, Metallic White and Metallic Purple.The HTC Explorer will be available at Rs 11,650. 


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VARIndia provides the Latest & Top Breaking Information Technology (IT) news, 
Telecommunication news and product reviews.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

An Overview On Printed Circuit Board Assembly

We all know that in order for a gadget or equipment to work, it has to be connected to an electric source. However, not many of us know that in order for these devices to work, they need to have a printed circuit board. A printed circuit board or PCB is used to electrically connect and mechanically support electronic parts using conductive pathways and signal traces that are etched from copper sheets that are laminated to turn into non-conductive substrate. A PCB that is filled with electronic parts is called printed circuit board assembly. They are usually made from fiberglass or ceramics. All electronic devices or gadgets require a printed circuit board assembly in order for them to work. In addition, all electronic components of a device can't just be put into the phone. They need a foundation to sit on and that's how a PCB printed circuit board works. It serves as a strong base for every part and conductive pathways in an electronic gadget.

In order for the printed circuit board to form, there are actually two processes that are used for it. The first process is the through-hole construction wherein the component leads are inserted in holes. The other process used in making printed circuit board assembly is the surface-mount construction in which the components are situated on pads located on the outward surfaces of the printed circuit board. These two processes have component leads where they are fixed electrically and mechanically to the board through a metal solder that has melted. To further understand how printed circuit board assembly works, there are various methods in soldering that are being used for the PCB components to connect. When it comes to mass production of a printed circuit board, it's crucial that it must be done through machine placement or bulk wave soldering types, to ensure that there are no mistakes in soldering them. However, if there is only a number of PCB assembly that is needed, expert technicians are able to solder very small parts by their own hand and under a microscope. This is done with the use of a soldering iron with fine tip and tweezers that are designed for small volume prototypes.

After the parts of the PCB have been soldered, it will have conformal coating that is either dipped or sprayed. This coat helps to prevent corrosion and leaking of current shorting due to condensation. It's also important for one to know that printed circuit board assembly is very sensitive to static so it should be placed in bags that are antistatic while it is being transported or shipped. If improper techniques are applied to it, it could transmit static charge to the board and may damage the component.

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Active Web Group's mission as a full-service web marketing firm is to provide any size business the opportunity to leverage and utilize the power of the Internet as a marketing tool to expand their business.

The New Exciting types Of Lighting For Clubs

lighting for clubs

Clubs, discos and bars are spots where individuals appear to relax, dance, party and enjoy for some memorable moments. The major distinction in between these spots and any other entertainment center is the atmosphere inside. Lighting for clubs is vital to create the captivating atmosphere in the club. With favorite audio songs being played and the lighting synchronized with it creates a truly enjoyable atmosphere to the patrons of the club. Lighting also gives fantastic excitement to dance to the tunes of the DJ. Lighting for clubs is neither too shiny nor too dim to bring also the shy individuals on to the dance floor to shake a leg.

There is various lighting for clubs available out there. Nonetheless, there are a couple of elements that have to be borne in mind prior to deciding upon the lighting. LED lighting for clubs is excellent and best suited for discos, nightclubs and bars. LED lighting panels and tubes provide the finest illumination and atmosphere in the nightclub or disco. This lighting for clubs is just perfect to give the enthralling experience to the patrons of the club. Once synchronized with audio, these LED light panels create a most inspiring atmosphere to get on to the dance floor for anyone.

Besides lighting for clubs, other major equipment like DJ console, furniture, light panels, sound systems, etc. are required to produce that distinctive experience to the guests of the club. There exist quite a few clubs which make a small change in the lighting and sound system and say that they are renovated. Nonetheless, it is vital to be aware that individuals going to the nightclubs come for an experience and not a couple of drinks. The lighting for clubs has to be made in such a way that the patron arrives back again to the club to experience the delightful atmosphere.

Lighting for clubs may be completed with the help of professionals who can be found online. Today, there are many experienced professionals who provide exceptional lighting and sound systems for clubs. These are available on the world-wide-web where one can see their prior products in the form of videos. The testimonials from diverse clubs, bars and discos put in the web page show the expertise of these professionals who provide lighting for clubs. It is accurate that one cannot deny the advancements happening in the entertainment scene and technology after enjoying the most up-to-date interior designs for the clubs shown on this web page.

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For a wide variety of lighting for clubs take a look into our nightclub and disco products online shop where you will find LED lighting, club furniture, sound systems, light control software and information how to build your dream club. Complete design with 3D preview!

For additional information and contact details please visit us at!

Enrich your life by using modern headrest car DVDs

There are a lot of unhappy people running around these days. The 21st century started out rather unfortunately in a number of ways. It began with the whole Y2K computer scare, followed shortly after by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York City, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. Then, much of the world became entrenched in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, where terrorism techniques have become more sophisticated and effective than ever before. Not to mention the global economic meltdown that's affected nearly every nation on the planet.


Without a doubt, there are plenty of reasons for people to be unhappier than ever. However, people continue to crave happiness; luckily, we can actually make our own happiness when our lives and surroundings are short on it. You also can drum up a little happiness of your own whenever and wherever you like by some ways.


Today many people own a car and our life become more convenient than ever. We driver our car to go to the office, go shopping, go on a business and go travelling. We spend so much time in the car that we want to make it more comfortable and luxury by installing some car accessories. A quality and functional headrest car DVD not only will add much style to our vehicles but also can offer us plenty of entertainment including watching movies, listening to music and playing games. Never be bored any more whenever you are riding together with your family members, friends or even business partners. And I believe your kids will love it more and it's also a good way to keep the noisy kids quiet in the car.


Modern car headrest DVD players also allow you to play DVDs at home. It's easier to view a war movie, action movie with your children or a romance movie with your wife while you are stay at home comfortably. Therefore, a simple headrest car DVD can get you happier inside and outside your car and enrich your life by using it whenever you want.


Certainly, there are many other ways to keep you be joyful except the above-mentioned. For example, hang out with your love ones, take part in some group activities, treat yourself to a tasty and healthy meal and have a long trip.  Doing one of these things will enhance your life tremendously. Please always remember that try your best to find more ways to be pleased at any case. Smile more and do more things that are good for your mood. Love life and enjoy life.


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Nikon D7000 Worth the wait and upgrade

I had the Nikon D40 for awhile and heard about the Nikon D7000 rumor early 2010. I knew my next dslr would be the D90 or better. What I wanted was the dual scroll wheels and 1980x1080p video recording features and this totally delivered. Also a bump in megapixal and the new cmos sensor with better iso for low lighting would sweeten the deal. I carried over the Nikon 18-200vr, 50mm 1.8 and 35mm 1.8 from my old D40.

I been shooting this camera since the first week of November 2010 and have taken about 4000 shots/some movie clips. At first I thought the image was a little soft. The poster on this Nikon D7000 forum told me how to fixed it in the menu and all is fine now. I am finally getting night shots, when I did night photo stroll with my friends the D40 was too slow and my iso skill back then wasn't great. Since I gotten this I played with almost every buttons and setting and actually shot aperture priority now, I been using the Nikon present for the D40.

Movies mode:
I am still learning this, getting things to focus on the fly. It does continuous autofocusing, but not as zippy as the Sony A33 I played with. Overall the movies I made are fun, but in no way anything you see on blu-ray 1980x1080p. I find that I do a better job of manual focus and it is much quieter. I plug an external microphone to this and it really is a benefit to filming with audio for less background noise.

+Great photos, Sony newest CMOS is good for low lighting.
+Camera Body motor, I have a 50mm 1.8 that I can finally use.
+ISO looks very good, once I leave 1600, I can notice some different
+more external buttons, entry level camera like the D40 uses the submenu too much.
+Bigger body and sturdier magnesium alloy material, I like that in my hands with the rubber insert.
+LCD screen is much improved, now I do know if a shot is good or bad.
+Live view photography, I don't use it much but I like the option too.
+Nikon Service, I called about the stuck pixel in Movie mode, they said wait for the firmware, and it got fixed.
+Nikon ViexNX is good for quick adjustment.
+1080p 24fps Movie mode with continuous auto-focus(like I said not as zippy as Sony, but much quieter) I made a few youtube videos now.

Battery is bigger and more expensive then before. I Since I record clip more it is hard to compare to the D40 which just took pictures. I get 350-400 shots before I recharge. Some people claim 1000 shots per charge, but that is not me. My 4000shot has
has 5-6 charges already.

-GPS, if the Sony A55 with the same cmos as this can have one for cheaper, why not the D7000.
-I was hoping it be around $1000. The Sony A33 and A55 are much cheaper, with the same cmos.

Overall I like the pictures that I got from the Nikon D7000, and all the external layout. I can bracket shots with ease, for HDR editing photoshop of course. I don't have to go into the submenu to turn on the remote. I even used the continuous burst for once. The Nikon ViexNX is a good software for quick fix like for contrast and sharpening.

It is no way a Lightroom or Photoshop replacement, nope. It can edit video too, but I just use the Window Media player on Win7. I added the SB-700 to this camera and the two work well together, ie the wireless flash. I have/carry this camera around me like a cellphone.

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Nikon D7000 Fantastic Camera

I love this camera - that's the bottom line for me. I'm taking a big step up from my first digital camera, the Nikon D40 which my husband wanted so he could start digital photography, and I could not be happier with my choice.

However, I think it would be a waste of money for any one not familiar with the adjustments we used to routinely make with 35mm SLR film cameras. The Nikon D7000 can certainly function as a fine point and shoot. But why spend almost twice as much on this over the lighter D3100 if you just want to point and shoot, and maybe edit with PhotoShop or some such?

For me, it's worth the difference because I want the freedom to quickly and easily make adjustments such as setting aperature or shutter speed to freeze or blur action; adjust the white balance on the fly for what I want the image to be; adjust the autofocus field and metering to suit the particular situation; switch from single shot to continuous, etc. The Nikon D7000 puts all that in menus and sub-menus like the inexpensive Nikons, but it also puts it out right on the camera body, available through just one button and the turn of a wheel.

Also, this ended up being just about as inexpensive for me as the Nikon D3100 because I would not have been satisfied with the kit lens on the D3100 - and replacing it would have been more expensive than using all the wonderful Nikon lenses I have left from the film days - WHICH NOW ALL WORK BEAUTIFULLY ON THE D7000. (Of course, I did get my D7000 for $1,199, not the current prices.) The inexpensive Nikons keep down weight and cost by not including a focusing motor in the camera - you have to rely on one in the lens. The D7000, like other top of the line Nikons, includes its own focus motor. Nice little bonus with the D7000 is its treatment of my old A1 lenses.

I have some optically very good, and very fast, A1s. With the Nikon D7000, I can program it to recognize them - with just the push of a button and turn of the wheel again. All I had to do was assign a lens number to each of the lenses and provide the focal length and maximum aperture. Now I can use them with no trouble, I just have to focus them as always. And the switch to go from autofocus to manual focus on the old lenses, or an autofocus lens that can't effectively autofocus in the particular situation (like my autofocus trying to pick up a tiny hummingbird in the middle of a rose bush this morning) is conveniently located by the side of the lens where my left hand would be going any way to grab the focus ring for manual focus.

This is one really sweet camera. It will do whatever you want. The controls are easy and simple to understand if you have the background in photography - or want to learn.

As I said, I think people are wasting their money if they buy this just because it is the new, hot camera when it is really more than they need. But, if you want to be able to control the camera settings, and do it quickly without having to mess around with the camera, this is great.

NOTE, after reading other reviews. Nikon DSLRs have never had great video, and this doesn't seem to be an exception - if you want a video camera, get something else. As for complaint about the manual, I think it goes back to my comments about needing to have some SLR experience or being willing to learn. I found the manual completely understandable - it generally even explained each function a couple of times if you read all the way through the several hundred pages of manual. Best way I've ever found to deal with this is sit down with the manual and the camera and really work my way through every setting, button, and dial so I know what I have.

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Nikon D7000 Review

I am "sidegrading" to this camera from a D300s. Here are my thoughts after shooting both together for a couple of months.

The worst thing about the Nikon D7000 are its more "beginner friendly" ergonomics. The mode wheel on the Nikon D7000 is too easy to turn accidentally. Everything besides A, S, M, U1 and U2 are a waste for me. This could have been the perfect camera if they only made the buttons exactly like a D300s. The live view switch is too easy to hit accidentally with your thumb, especially if you use the AF lock button a lot (like, if you use it to enable autofocus). Its also too easy to accidentally press the DOF Preview button next to the lens mount as your left hand wraps around the lens. I can't imagine why they moved that button from its spot on the higher end Nikons.

The one true ergonomic advantage the Nikon D7000 has for me are its user modes. This is a HUGE advantage, as the more settings I have to change between shots, the more mistakes I make. I set one of the user modes to manual with auto ISO and mixing ambient shots in with flash shots becomes a total breeze. The smaller size and weight of the D7000 had seemed like it would be a big advantage but it just doesn't feel that great in my hands. I might try the grip to help this. The weight difference between the two is small enough that I don't notice it much and prefer the D300s feel.

I had been worried that the buffer on the Nikon D7000 would run out too easily. I have never gotten into trouble with this and I shoot in 14 bit RAW. The stuff I shoot (typical Dad stuff, some portraits, some landscapes and long exposures), doesn't really require any burst shots, though.

The image quality seems to be about a stop and a half better than a D300s after processing RAW files via Lightroom 3. I would pretty much never go above ISO 800 on the D300s. On the Nikon D7000, I will gladly go to 1600 and will use 3200 about often as 800 on the D300s. This is a big deal to me because it seams I can go without a flash about 50% more often.

The autofocus and metering are a bit better on the D7000, but not enough for me to really care.

Manual focus on the Nikon D7000 is easier, as it gives you arrows in the viewfinder telling you which way to turn the focus ring. D300s only gave you a dot for focus confirmation. Manual focus in Live View seems a bit easier on the D7000. I am not sure why, but it feels slicker. Maybe the screen is refreshing faster? The LCDs have identical resolution, so this could be in my head also.

I love that the D7000 can use a cheap IR remote. The "remote mode" on the D7000 is still a bit of a mess, in that it disables your normal shutter button, but its worth not having to deal with fancy wireless shutter releases and their ridiculous screw-in cables.

So in the end, I like the Nikon D7000 better. Image quality and user modes really cinched it for me.

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Read full review and see best deal for the Nikon D7000

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Programmable Clock Oscillators Provide the Right Reference Clock, Every Time

A reference clock oscillator in electronics has long been the domain of fixed-frequency devices. These devices have historically consisted of a quartz crystal, which has been cut and manufactured to operate at a precise, fixed frequency, married to an analog oscillator circuit, which operates at the same fixed frequency and a fixed voltage. The process of manufacturing these fixed-frequency oscillators has been optimized over time, and results in accurate clocking devices that are very inflexible in offering features.


With recent advances in semiconductor-based MEMS technology and analog circuits, these fixed frequency clock oscillators are rapidly being replaced by a programmable clock oscillator. Programmable clock oscillators use a fixed frequency MEMS resonator, married with a programmable analog circuit which can offer a host of features that are not available from fixed-frequency oscillators, such as


1. Any frequency within the operating range, achievable by using a highly accurate Phase Locked Loop (PLL) which can multiply the MEMS resonator frequency up to any desired frequency of operation. The output frequency is accurate up to 6 decimal places of accuracy (1 Hz). This is particularly useful in applications where non-standard frequencies are desired to improve performance and reduce error rates.


2. Ability to operate at any voltage between 2.5V and 3.3V, as well as 1.8V, which are the most common input-output voltages used in electronics.


3. Programmable drive strength control using SoftEdge technology, which allows the user to accurately match the output impedance of the clock oscillator with the trace impedance of the board, and thus reduces reflections. Higher drive strength can also be used for driving multiple loads, while lower drive strength can be used for reducing electromagnetic interference (EMI).


4. Ability to configure the output control pin into Output Enable or Standby


In the case of more-featured oscillators such as Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCXOs) and Voltage-Controlled, Temperature Compensated Oscillators (VC TCXOs), the programmability of the device also allows easy configuration of the pull range.


With such a host of features available from programmable clock oscillators, it is no surprise that the devices are rapidly gaining in popularity and have already replaced a significant number of fixed frequency reference oscillators.



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Learn more about: - Silicon Oscillator , Crystal Oscillator, MEMS oscillator

Looking for the Best Android Tablet 2011

Monopoly is never a good thing, and thankfully to counter the iPad and various innovations made in the phone and tablet area by Apple the Android smartphones and tablets have been released. If you have just recently gotten notice of the tablet craze, chances are that you may not know what models you can pick or what to base your selection on. There are many candidates out there that can claim to be some of the best Android tablets, and there are a few specific ones that you should pay attention to.

First off, there is the Samsung Galaxy Tablet, one of the best and most recent models to take the market by storm. Being considered by many as state of the art technology, it features a whole 10.1 inch screen, Wi-Fi capabilities and more than 32GB of hard drive space. It comes with an integrated dual-core processor of the Tegra 2 variety as well as 1GB of ram.

According to the clients who have purchased it, some of the many benefits which come along are the fact that it is incredibly light, sleek and stylish, having very powerful display capabilities making all the colors and details stand out. When it comes to the reliability of the machine, it is likely to be one of the most consisted pieces of technology you have laid your hands on.

This is only one of many models that are out there which may be suitable for you. There is for example the MOTOROLA XOOM Android Tablet, also including a 10.1 inch display capable of displaying whatever you have on-screen in high-definition in a 16:9 format. It's imbued with a dual-core chipset which as you can guess will make any action you take or application you run faster than ever. It even has a gyroscope along with a powerful graphic capabilities as well as built-in hardware acceleration. This baby can be yours for as low as $460.

If you want something that goes a bit more along the lines of heavy-duty machinery, then maybe you should look into the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. Also with a 10.1 inch display and a lightweight design, it is made out of durable materials as well as scratch and dust-resistant glass and is viewable from angles of more than 180 degrees. A custom interface coupled with the ability to access email as easily as it is to browse around various websites, stream movies and play games makes this model great for people who like to move around with their tablet a lot.

All in all, these are only but three of the choices you can take advantage of out there. In reality, there are far more choices than you care to hear about available to you, and without a proper guide to help you find your way in this mess you will probably end up buying something which in the end doesn't suit you at all.

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If you want to take advantage of a comprehensive guide in regards to the best Android tablets which are out on the market today then you can head over to Best Android Tablet 2011 and get your search started.

How to Choose the Best TV Screen Size

When it comes to purchasing a television, some people automatically assume that bigger is better. In reality, there are several factors to consider when it comes to choosing the best screen size. Here are some tips for selecting the right one, from a 26 inch TV for the bedroom to much larger options for the living room or home theatre.


How big is the room?

In most cases, the television should be relative to the size of the room. Therefore, smaller TVs, such as a 22 inch LCD TV, should be used in in the bedroom or study, while larger versions can be placed in common areas such as the living room. From an aesthetics point of view, electronics should not overwhelm the room; instead, they should fit in seamlessly with the rest of the décor.


How far is the viewer from the TV?

Straining to see the television takes away from the viewing experience, so it should be big enough for the viewer to see with little to no effort; after all, watching TV shows and movies should be a leisurely activity. Therefore, it's important to pay attention to how close or far away the seating is from the potential location of the television. If the seating is near the designated spot for the TV then a small, 26 inch TV should work. If the viewers will be sitting far away from the monitor, however, a larger screen is necessary.


What is the purpose of the TV?

Another factor to take into consideration is the use of the television. Will it be used to play video games? If so, consider purchasing a small television like a 26 inch TV that is ideal for everyday use. Are you shopping for a TV that is going to be used in a home theatre? In that case, you might want to upgrade to a much larger model for maximum viewing pleasure. In addition to screen size, pay attention to the image quality of different monitors to get the most out of your television viewing experience. Those with a higher resolution will have a crisper picture and vibrant colours.

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IPad 3 Release Date

While there has been no set date for the iPad 3 release date, it was actually rumored to happen before thanksgiving. Many people find this to very unlikely and I would tend to agree with them.  ipad3.png

This was mentioned by China times but there may be some confusion between the iPad 3 and maybe the iPad 2 HD. So its very possible that we will see a iPad 2 HD released or mentioned before thanksgiving but only time is going to tell. The exact models were not referenced in the magazine so no one still knows for sure the iPad 3 release date.


There are other ways instead of buying and waiting for the new iPad 3, check the page out below at the bottom of the screen if interested!

Although no exact date has been given on when the iPad 3 release date is going to be, there has been reports that early 2012 is confirmed by sources. This is what the wall street journal is saying anyways. There has also been reports of apple trying to ship more out therefore creating a much more smooth release to the iPad 2. Everyone was trying to get one when the iPad 2 was released, but no one could! When the iPad 3 release date happens, we can all be a little more hopeful this time around knowing we have a better chance of grabbing one for ourselves!

So far HP dropped their tablets price drastically and apple is still the lead of the competition with the tablet market they have created. It will be interested to see exactly all the new features that will be included in this new tablet. According to a report the iPad 3 will have a 2048 x 1536 resolution which much higher than the iPad 2's 1024 x 768.

If you dont want to wait for the iPad 3 release date and interested in testing one out for yourself, you may want to join a program to test all the new features yourself!


My friend was lucky enough to get into the program and already has his iPad 3 that he's been playing with and bragging to me nonstop ever since he got it. Although he live's far away from me so I don't even get a chance to play with it myself! That's OK though, I am in the waiting list for my own iPad 3 and can't wait to test out all the new awesome features that are given!

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Portable DVD Players for Holiday Excursions

Fall is here and that means that the holidays are just around the corner waiting to spring leaves, pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns, skeletons, evergreens, snowflakes and presents all over stores, parks, businesses, malls and more. Are you ready for this year's holiday season? Make sure your family is prepared for long lines of shopping and busy malls chock-full of people and screaming children and long car trips this holiday season, entertain your children with portable DVD players.

Portable DVD players are perfect for entertaining small children during long and busy holiday shopping excursions. You can bring their favorite interactive television shows and movies and have them slap on their headphones for the ultimate shopping experience. Portable DVD players have extended battery lives and can last for hours on end, with no additional power required. Plus, some portable DVD players have swivel screens so you can hide the buttons from your toddler's curious fingers to ensure that the DVD will grab their attention and not their ability to start and stop the DVD's playback. While other parents are corralling their children and trying to stifle the screams of their bored toddler, you will be strolling along with your toddler interacting with their portable DVD player and marvelously minding their manners.

Plus, portable DVD players are useful for holiday travel. Traveling to and from various towns and locations to visit family is just one of the major headaches that parents experience during the holiday season, besides shopping. Holiday traveling can be tedious and time consuming because traffic jams are common during the holidays. A four hour trip can easily turn into a six hour trip when traffic is involved. By providing your children with a portable DVD player, you can ensure a quiet trip. Make sure you bring their favorite television shows and movies, and consider renting a few DVDs to keep their attention during the long trips. Before renting a DVD, make sure that the rental is going to cover the time of your trip, or consider renting from a big chain of stores so that the movie can be swapped once you arrive or even along the trip.

Portable DVD players are the perfect addition to any shopping or traveling excursion. By ensuring that your child will not be bored and that they will be entertained for hours on end, you ensure that you will have a pleasant shopping and traveling experience. Happy Holidays!


About the Author

Lindsay Powell is a young professional improving her writing skills and finding inspiration around her.

Understanding the High-Definition Resolutions of Flat Screen Televisions

So you've decided to take the plunge and purchase a flat screen television. Taking a costly step into the world of modern technology can be a rewarding experience if you know what you are doing. Most people that are going to purchase a flat screen television simply wander into a well-known big box electronics department store and choose a television from the shelf based on clarity, color and cost—but that is not always the best method. Some stores do not properly set up their display televisions, making the clarity and color often different in store than it will be inside your home. Knowing the basics about high-definition flat screen television resolutions is the first step to choosing the best television and getting the biggest bang for your buck.

Flat screen television resolutions vary greatly; the main types of televisions are standard-definition, enhanced-definition and high-definition televisions. The varying television definitions have come into circulation as technology has advanced and progressed through the years. The most commonly known television resolution today is HDTV, while the most common television resolution of the past in SDTV and EDTV. Here is a breakdown of what that means for SDTV, EDTV, HDTV and how to understand the difference between the little "p" and "I"

Standard-Definition Television (SDTV)

Standard-definition televisions come in 480i and 576i resolutions. The 480i resolution is the NTSC standard, or the American standard, which has an analog system of 486i split into two interlaced fields of 243 lines each. The 576i resolution is the PAL standard, or the Asian and Western European standard, that has a resolution of 720x576 split into two interlaced fields of 288 lines each.

Enhanced-Definition Television (EDTV)

Enhanced-definition televisions come in 480p and 576p, which are both progressive scans with resolutions of 720x480 and 720x576, respectively. The difference between SDTV and EDTV when it comes to logistics is the way that the television scans the image that is being transmitted for display.

High-Definition Television (HDTV)

High-definition flat screen televisions are available in three kinds of display resolutions, 720p, 1080i and 1080p. To understand high-definition television resolutions, it is important to understand what the little "p" and "i" when it comes to screen resolution. While previous versions have those suffixes attached, they are extremely important for high-definition television.

Screen Resolution "i" and "p"

It is important to realise the differences between the little "i" and "p" when it comes to flat screen television resolution. The "i" stands for interlaced scan. An interlaced scan scans every other line every 30th of a second to produce a picture. Interlacing divides the 576 lines of pixels on a screen into even and odd numbered lines. These lines are then refreshed alternatively, with evens at one 30th of a second and odds at the next 30th of a second.  The slight delay between the refreshing of even and off lines is what creates the distortion or jagged appearance of the image on the screen, because only ½ of the lines are a moving part of the image, while the other ½ are waiting their turn.

The "p" stands for a progressive scan. A progressive scan is when the scan is completed in order starting with line 1 and going to line 2 and so on.  A progressive scan is completed every 60th of a second. The quick completion time, and the fact that every line is utilised for the image, translates to a crisper, cleaner image. This smoother image is more detailed because it is less susceptible to interlace flicker, the slight flicker that older televisions produce while you are watching a programme. The main reason a progressive scans is smoother and clear is that they are refreshed more often.

Now that you understand the "i" and "p" of flat screen television resolution, you can understand the difference between 720p, 1080i and 1080p. In addition, you can understand the previously mentioned resolutions for SDTV and EDTV. By understanding the basic differences between the various flat screen television resolutions, you can be better prepared to purchase your own television based on facts and not based on looks.


About the Author

Lindsay Powell is a young professional improving her writing skills and finding inspiration around her.

Step Down Voltage Converter to Get More Power Current

Unlike step up transformers that convert low voltage into high voltage, step down voltage converters act in opposite manner. They convert high voltage into low voltage to make incoming high voltage into a more energy efficient and safer low voltage. Thus the current that flows into step down voltage transformer acts in an inverse way. Hence, they intake high voltage and provide low voltage as output voltage. These transformers do this function very effectively. However, you must know that transformers do not produce electricity, but they are effective equipments to control low and high voltage. On the other hand, there are voltage converters that convert low voltage into high voltage. But, there are places where people suffer both low and high voltage problems. Such low and high power problem can also be tackled with step up down voltage converter. This converter works both the jobs. With such converter you can change high voltage into low voltage and low voltage into high voltage. This is capable of doing both the functions very effectively.

As we have told you that transformers don't produce electricity, they just control the flow of electric current and give only the required voltage of electricity. That's why there is inverse relation between the input and output flow of electric current supplied by transformers. Apart from great use in home, Voltage Converter are very important for travelers. These electricity converters are very useful for the people who have to commute into different countries of Asia, Europe and USA, because electric appliances of these continents work on different flow of current. Electric appliances made in USA intake 120 Volt, while electric appliances of Europe and Asia require 220 Volt for effective performance. That means, if you want to use appliances of America in Europe or Asia, you will have to use Step Down Transformerso that higher voltage can be brought down to 120 Volt. On the other hand, if you are an Asian traveler or a European traveler who has reached USA, you will need step up voltage converters to use appliances made in your country.

But if you are living in such a place, where the flow of voltage is not regular, step up down voltage converter is all that you need for the safety of your equipments and home appliances. You can use this voltage converter for both the purposes. Besides, step up converters are also used for out door appliances such as portable light, tape recorder, CD player, video recorder, shaving razor etc. You can use these converter with battery of your vehicle also while on outdoor tour, because there are some specific models of such converters, which are capable of converting DC Voltage into AC Voltage.


About the Author

Harry carlin is a professional writer, presently writing for step up transformer and foreign plug adapters

The All New Disco Lighting And Sound Styles

disco lighting and sound

A lot has changed regarding the discos and nightclubs from the time they have been introduced in the late 1970s. Though each element of the disco has been upgraded, practically nothing has changed as much as the disco lighting and sound effects. When initially introduced, a disco was all about playing cool songs and nothing about illumination, that is why a lot of discos of that period of time have been dark halls with a minimum amount of light. Though this might be done for power conservation purposes and to keep the place cool, the new technology that is at the moment available has modified the accept of disco lighting and sound.

The new and in trend at present speaking about the disco lighting is the LED lights. These are the new, efficient, eco friendly and power saving lights that have a wonderful versatility and accuracy so that they can be utilized in any format. These LED lights have revolutionized the field of disco lighting and sound. Now it is not only achievable to flood the dance floor with lights of different colors and hues, it is possible to rapidly adjust them and even move them in sync with the played songs.

The availability of the new technology and the versatility of utilization of the LED lights have made it possible for the DJ to manipulate the disco lighting and sound effects as one. It is now possible to automatically or manually adjust the lighting effects in sync with the sound effects. The flood lights, the strobe lights, the disco ball (up to date versions), the laser lights and far more are now available to produce wide variety over the dance floor and provide the customers with a unique variety of disco lighting and sound effects when on the dance floor.

It can be stated that the entire industry of discos and nightclubs is moving on with newer and better tendencies that are being introduced in terms of the disco lighting and sound effects. Folks can now enjoy a number of effects such as smoke and fire effect, the colour rain effect, LED dance floor where the dance floor is a riot of colors for the ideal disco experience. Thus, the designer and the owner has better and a broader array of choices available at this time in terms of disco lighting and sound effects to make it an intensely unique experience for all the customers and to provide them with something unique {every|each|each and every|every single| time.


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For a wide variety of disco lighting and sound products for your club take a look into our nightclub and disco products online shop where you will find LED lighting, club furniture, sound systems, light control software and information how to build your dream club. Complete design with 3D preview!

For additional information and contact details please visit us at!

SIITF galores 2nd time in a row!

SIITF galores 2nd time in a row! 

VARIndia's SIITF that grew two years this year once again was a hit. Prof. V. Rajaraman, Supercomputer Education & research Center, IIS, Bangalore was the Chief Guest and Dr. D. S. Ravindran, CEO, e-governance, Dept of IT, Govt. of Karnataka and K Manohar Raja, GM- Railtel corporation of India, Ministry of Railways were the Guest of Honors. The event kick started with the auspicious lamp lighting ceremony by Prof. V. Rajaraman, along with other esteemed guests that included Dr. D. S. Ravindran, K Manohar Raja, Ganesh Arumugam, Director-Partners, VMware Software India (P) Ltd., Anoop Nambiar, Country Manager- BPO, IBM India (P) Ltd., Rajiv Rao, Director- SMB Business, Lenovo India (P) Ltd., Anand Swaminathan, CEO, Zicom Electronics Security, LN Rao, Country Manager - Cloud Division, HP India, Sivakumar SK, Regional manager (w)- Motorola wireless Network Solutions, Sriram S, CEO, iValue Info Solutions, Bhavin Bhatt, Country Manager, M-tech India, Shiv Sharma, director- Strategy & Alliance, GoIP Global Services (P) Ltd., Deepak Sahu, Publisher, VARINDIA and Ashok Mohapatra, Regional Manager- south, VARINDIA.


The events' morning session emphasised on vendor-customer networking. There were four presentations one each from Lenovo, vmware, Motorola and eScan. Rajiv Rao shared that Lenovo's current and forthcoming launches are cloud ready. Ganesan Arumugam while defining cloud shared how VMware is present across the three delivery models. Nabiraj S Prasad, Manager- TA, Motorola wireless Network Solutions talked about the USPs of 802.11n technology. Last but not the least Amancio Britto, Sr. Technical Manager, Micro World Software Services (P) Ltd. brought to light about the security concerns in general and the means eScan is helping customers combat all the available threats & attacks.


Prof. V. Rajaraman while addressing the gathering shared, "Cloud computing is quite fashionable today. But one should not forget that reaching a destination involves a journey, same ways technology is all about evolution." He also added that when computing speed is doubling every 18months, storage saize doubling every 12months and Communication bandwith doubling every nine months, future of Cloud is bright but at the same time he highlighted challenges.


Picking a sentence from Professors speech, Dr DS Ravindran elaborated on "Computer is not an end but a means". He also gave the govt. of Karnataka's perspective on Cloud and the various strategies recently undertaken.


Sivakumar SK from Motorola in the evening session elaborated on morning's Nabiraj's presentation by detailing some more products for their wireless portfolio and role of channel. Also, Amancio Britto and Ganesh added the role of partner in their presentations in the evening session as the evening session was attended more by the channel partners.


The most awaited session of the event panel discussion was moderated by LN Rao of HP. The panelist included Dr. D. S. Ravindran, K Manohar Raja, Ganesh Arumugum, Rajiv Rao, Bhavin Bhatt, Anand Swaminathan, Dharain, IBM India, all agreed that margins have been a concern for the partners. But its the right time when partners should emphasise on the ownership of their customers and should look for long term association with vendors. Cloud would be the technology which would act as the business enabler.


"Don't be afraid of Cloud like any past technology, partners can and have a major role to play provided they once again believe in the Spirit of Transformation. Cloud adds that real 'value' to their names VARs," concludes LN Rao.


For More Details See

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VARIndia provides the Latest & Top Breaking Information Technology (IT) news, 
Telecommunication news and product reviews.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Preferred cell concerning decent deals

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About the Author

Smarthouse is a writer who frequently writes about services such as :- Mobile phones, phones, best phone


Cell Signal Booster To Enhance Your Cell Phone Calls

Cell phone reception problems, improve your overall mobile experience. Your phone calls, the problem is becoming more of a more mobile. There are many reasons, including bad weather and a location too far from the tower, your reception may be poor.

If you really want to improve your cell phone signal, cell phone signal booster is definitely the product to do this. If you are experiencing reception problems with your phone, it can improve a weak signal, and make it better. Once you have from your phone, you will find what is a good investment, you have a higher signal strength.

Get a signal booster, not only conducive to your mobile phone reception, but in some ways it is beneficial to your well-being. Recently, the idea of ​​cell phone radiation is harmful, has been in the news, and has caused some concern. In fact through the mobile phone radiation from mobile phones, you can also broadcast from the transmitter healthy dose of the phone itself. Signal Booster can help you reduce the risk.

cell phone booster installed in addition to your home and office of signal quality, you can also use the device on the road. You have an option to the top of your car, which will provide more clarity and quality of the call to attach the antenna booster. These devices help the millions of people around the world, they are facing problems with their signal. This equipment has been blessed to live in low signal areas. However, if you decide to choose this equipment to improve your cell phone signal, you also have an option to study on the Internet. There are several sites on the Internet, which is available on this product great offers and discounts. Once you log into any of these sites, you can also learn more about the product and its features.

So, if you are among the poor people are facing one of the signal, cell phone signal booster, is your best choice. Even though there are many other products on the market, which will guarantee you a lot of things, they can provide satisfactory results. Once you purchase this product, you do not have to worry about any type of signal problems. The process of installing this equipment is also very easy. However, you must follow the instructions, which will provide the user manual.

About the Author

Espow offer ipad 2 case, high quality cell phone booster,led light bulbs etc. We aim at offering the most updated and high quality consumer electronics to web shoppers from all over the world while shoppers can experience a comfortable and secure shopping process on the web.

Nikon D5100 User Review

I have been a retired SLR photographer for several years so the Nikon D5100 is my re-entry into DSLR. Previously, I had an N90s and one of the first digital Nikons; the D20. I have been shooting a Canon G10 for several years even doing some HDR with it. I've had the Nikon D5100 about a week and have shot a 100 photos on a variety of subjects - family, landscape, sunset, and macro - all with the 18-55 kit lens.

It shoots great! Detail is way better than I expected for a "consumer" model. Actually, I chose the D5100 because the quality of the pics was my foremost goal. It comes with the same 16mp chip as the D7000 for $400 less. I wanted to spend that money on glass. I've had almost no trouble figuring out how to set the manual controls and have had good luck with the SCENES modes for most shooting. (I haven't tried the EFFECTS and I'm not sure that I will - more of a Photoshop processing kind of guy). My biggest challenge has been getting correct focus as the camera tries to do way more than I'm used to and, if I have it in the wrong SCENE mode, there's no telling what might happen. The dancing yellow squares on the face recognition function is a little disconcerting. I have also had to learn patience as the VR function is nice but a little slow when handheld. I have learned to leave it off until I really need it.

I think that most of the professional reviewers overstate the weaknesses of many of the products out there and the Nikon D5100 is no exception, maybe because it's hard to difference a crowded competitive product line. At any rate, here is my take on some of the deficiencies. First, the location of the LiveView button work great for me. Because it is a lever rather than a button it is easy to locate and use without moving my hand on the grip. Another complaint has been the lack of an ISO button. I do prefer buttons over menus but there are too many functions which I would like to have on a button that there wouldn't be room for all of them. I programmed the fn button (which is done easily in the menus) to allow me to control the ISO. It works well both when I'm working through the viewer or the display screen. I will agree with complaints that the fn button is too close to the flash button. I've inadvertently mixed them up and it cost me a pic or two. However, I only need to make that kind of mistake a couple of times before learn to avoid the problem.

The rear screen is great...very high resolution. The zooming function works well and I have been able to check image focus easily. The side tilt is very elegant and I like that if flips to protect the screen when not in use.

I'm not much of a videographer but I did shoot some video and the image quality if fantastic. I put it on my TV and the quality was great. The focus works pretty well although you can see it occasionally get behind for a few seconds for quick moving subjects - like cars and kids. The microphone isn't worth much so it may be worth investing in the add-on microphone for more serious video projects.

All in all, the quality and fit of the camera is very good in spite of being made from plastic. i wouldn't want to drop it or the lens for that matter - they are not made like my old N90s or my 70-200 f2.8 but, on the other hand, I won't won't miss the extra 5 lbs. of weight because this camera is LIGHT! It is small but fits the hand well and is joy to carry around.

To summarize: As you would expect from a Nikon, great photos; as good as the Nikon D7000 (according to dpreview) and $400 less. Easy to use, light, good manual control, and good assisted control through scenes. The Nikon D5100 is a good choice if you are looking for high quality images without all the bells and whistles of the D7000.

No "cons" except don't drop it...probably won't survive! Battery life isn't great either (I tend to use the display and LiveView a lot) so I've already invested in a backup battery.

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Read More Review and See Best Deal for the Nikon D5100