Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Unobtrusive mini cameras for security, safety, and productivity

Mini cameras are one of the latest manifestations of the need for recording events that have some importance in our every day lives. Few things are more important than the safety and security of loved ones and the things that are of value in every day life and that are so hard to acquire.

The monitoring of employee activity has become of ever increasing importance as the opportunities for employees to waste company time playing games and sending personal e-mails and chat messages have become part of the on-going employee monitoring problem. Mini cameras placed in the correct locations can efficiently function in this environment. Mini cameras are easy for employees to forget and so will not provide any distractions.

The size and shape of the actual mini camera used will depend upon the ultimate intended function. A mini camera intended for personal use will look like something that a person might normally carry such as a key ring or a car alarm activator.

Some of the mini cameras intended to be difficult to detect are so small that they are not the largest part of the kit and the mini camera part is actually labeled as such in the sales promotion literature. The mini cameras intended for permanent monitoring all come with sufficient hardware to ensure that the mini camera is safe and is difficult to unship.

Mini cameras also differ in the way that the images they collect are displayed or stored. Many mini cameras are not intended for use as a storage device for images. They are there merely thereto display real time events. The child monitor is an excellent example of this. The mini camera merely has a means to get the image to a viewing device of some kind which may or may not ultimately provide a storage capacity.

The mini camera connection is usually by RF link to a USB connected receiver. The user may then choose to either store the mini camera images, view them in real time whilst at the home, or use the Internet to provide real time coverage if they are away from home.

The mini cameras used for security will almost certainly have some kind of recording or storage facility. This aids the police in the hunt for suspects in the event of a break-in or the occurrence of physical damage or vandalism. A homeowner can thus find out who T.P.'d their house or favorite tree on Halloween night and gain their revenge.

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