Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Modern Dance Floor Lighting - The New Club Mania

dance floor lighting

The major requirement of lighting or illumination is to provide a source of light that makes things look brighter or sharper and thus visible. Though this idea is quite right with most other lighting requirements, the dance floor lighting has different type of requirements. The specialty of this form of lighting is that it is not just a source of illumination but is also used to create a mood and used to create a number of exciting and unique special effects. Therefore, right here are the different types of dance floor lighting that help get the effects right:

Among the most important and necessary dance floor lighting devices is the spotlight. This is a single source of intense beam of light that is in particular used to highlight a specific area. In most scenarios these spotlights may be focused on a moving target so as to stick to each and every move of the target. Besides utilizing a single spotlight to illuminate a single target several of this kind of lights might be used to move randomly so that they overlap and create styles of lights and shadow. This method is especially efficient at nightclubs and discos.

Yet another important dance floor lighting effect is the multicolor lights. Normally, the most popular method to create this effect is to use a single source of light that goes through various coloured filters to create the multi-chromatic experience. In addition, there exist many colour lighting devices that create multi colour lighting (as many as a max of 3 hues) by utilizing LED lights and without any requirement of filters and manual intervention. Utilizing these colour lights, it is possible to tweak the look and feel of the dance floor at your will.

Yet another important dance floor lighting option is the strobe lights. These lights are commonly colour lights and may be used to create patterns over the dance floor. These strobe lights can be normally used with the other lighting effects like the laser lights and the disco ball and with other effects like smoke etc. The colour lights along with numerous pin point showers may be used to create the colour rain effect. Thus, it is obvious here that the options available with dance floor lighting are unlimited and with a good imagination and some research one can create your own special lighting effects for the dance floor.

About the Author

For a wide variety of dance floor lighting products for your club take a look into our nightclub and disco products online shop where you will find LED lighting, club furniture, sound systems, light control software and information how to build your dream club. Complete design with 3D preview!

For additional information and contact details please visit us at http://www.disco-designer.com!

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