Wednesday, October 12, 2011

MP4 players in the market place today

The growing propensity for marketeers to be able to create needs and wants has led to the very strong emergence of MP4 Players. Consumers are being persuaded that the ability to receive and view High Definition Television on the move is highly desirable.

The ability of chip makers to produce whatever the entertainment industry and therefore MP4  Players needs has been extremely remarkable. The people at MPEG do not take into account what technology is available to implement the required standards, they just go ahead and produce the ideal world standard. This has also been known as the so called the case for MP4 players.

MP 4 players typically consist of DAC's, ADC's, and DSP's. For MP 4 players these are all highly specialized components and the good people at Intel and Analogue Devices are all too willing to pull out all the stops to make another few million dollars out of high end products such as Mp4 Players. To call MP4 Players high end products is something of a misnomer because those same good people are improving chip yields and driving prices downwards.

A good look at some reviews of MP4 Players reveals some interesting results. The first is that the prices of MP4 Players are very low.  Other surprises would seem to be the variety of packages, configurations and combinations that MP4 players can be found in.

Bearing in mind that beside the signal processing parts of the device, the chips are memory, memory and more memory, and always of the flash variety we can see that any of the memory intensive applications can be incorporated into or paired with MP4 Players. Thus again these devices function very well as flash memory devices for back-up or data transportation.

There are MP4 Players that have spy cameras, MP4 Players paired with digital recorders, movie cameras and watches and even combinations of the above. Browsing the Internet technology shops will definitely unearth the stuff of dreams.

Making the choice of which of the many MP4 Players to buy is now no problem because the low price means that MP4 Players can be bought to suit moods, accessories, functions, and just about any kind of justification for being or appearing hip, not just for appearance but also because these devices have at least a perceived need because of the skills of the afore mentioned marketeers ability to create such needs and wishes.

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