Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stop Bugging! Cell Jammers Save You

Work is more that a necessary for most human beings; it is the focus of their lives, the source of their identity and creativity. But now most of work life is full of boring situations, they have to suffer with different kinds of noises, the car horns, the running sounds of machine, and the sounds of grumbling; the most common one is the dins of cell phone calls. You may often hear some words like "Stop bugging me now, I can't stand it anymore!" With the improvement of high technology, the environment of our working life has changed a lot. We have some advanced glasses to block the unnecessary noises when we are absorbed in this job. While if we want to solve the problem caused by a mobile phone, we must get the cell jammers for help.

Talking about cell jammers, maybe some people hear a lot about them in earlier time. Right! It is a device which is specially designed for cutting down the normal communication between cell phones and the base station. Its running principle is very easy, just taking the same frequency with mobile phones, such as UMTS, 3G, CDMA, GSM and PHS, to achieve the purpose of blocking.

There are two main types of cell jammers that are available in today's market. One is the smaller instrument for blocking the signals between individual cell phones and cell phone towers. Its effective blocking range is about 30 foot radius. This device is widely used now because it is convenient enough to be carried anywhere with you. In fact, compared with the first one, this second device is a larger and powerful instrument. This type of cell phone jammer can block the transmission of a signal from the satellite to the cell phone tower. It can get active within 5 mile radius. Usually this device is produced for the usage of army military forces and governmental missions, etc.

Nowadays people are using mobile phones in many places where phone calls are restricted. It is not possible to check on every person cell phone whether it is switched off or not. So these cell jammers are the best means to make mobile phones useless temporarily. Other different fields such as, big business organizations, schools, colleges, hospitals and government agencies, are prohibited the usage of cell phones in their premises for security purpose. That is why the cell jammers are becoming more and more popular during this day.

There some key points should be noted to you. The cell phone jammer is a family of environment friendly production. The radiation from the cell phone jammers is relatively low and does no harm to human bodies. So you can use it with no cares.

Don't hesitate to order one from here! We offer you various kinds of jammers on the list here. You can look at carefully and pick out the best one. Any question is available. Welcome to the jammer world!

About the Author

Cherry is from cell phone jammer, a good jammer company in China, which can offer you some business such as cell phone jammer, GPS jammer, audio jammer and radio wave detector and so on. Welcome to visit it.

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