Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Find ways to adjust your mood

Do you often feel too tired to work or even anything? Do you often think there are a lot of things to do, but you have not enough energy to deal with it at all? Even sometimes you are sad, angry, or discouraged and feel that life is colorful but you can't control it. If you have these feelings, then you are in a bad state and you'll need to find some ways to stop it.


If you're feeling rather unmotivated, stuck or otherwise unhappy consider making a small change. When it comes to being stuck on what to write, for example, I try taking it outside, into the living room or sit at the dining room table. It's amazing how such a tiny change in location can unlock a whole bunch of great ideas and renew your energy level. Big changes or little ones it doesn't matter but a change none the less.


Do something you love. Reduce stress by doing something you love. Read an article, flip through a magazine, call a friend, or book a massage. It doesn't matter what it is just make sure it's something you enjoy and not something you feel you have to do.


Maybe driving out with loud music is a good way to unwind or playing games on headrest car DVDs with one of your best friends in a moving car can make you excited again. Or you can go to a new city and stay there for several days, which will help you own some new ideas and different feelings. A sunny smile will appear on your face soon.


Find a video of your favorite comedian or sitcom or maybe it's a picture of a friend or your kids that always make you laugh. Laughing feels good, it gets you smiling and it allows you not to take things so seriously, if only for that moment.


There is also something about nature and the expanse of space that can rejuvenate the mind and body. Look around you and take it all in, the birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on your cheeks. Take some time to just stand outside wherever you are and just soak it all in.


These are just some of my personal suggestions about how to keep away from the bad mood. Anyhow, find some ways that most fit for you. I believe you can do it.


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