Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Old is Gold: Traditional Unparalleled Servo Motion Control


The evolutionary concept of Servo Motion Control did not pass through any significant change over the last 50 years. The servo amplifier, being a part of a closed-loop control system is still used to control an assembly positioning system. The sensor less brushless motor controller used in a variety of electro-mechanical and electrical machines now-a-days is based on the traditional theory and algorithms of servo motion control.


A little insight into servo motion control: First we need to understand what a typical motor controller is and what it exactly does. It is a single or collection of device(s) governing in pre-determined manner to control the performance of any electrical motor. The controller itself includes a manual or automatic measure to start/stop, selecting as well as regulating the torque and the speed, selecting the direction of rotation. Some failsafe measures should also be there like protecting itself against overloads and other faults.


An electric motor controller can further be classified according to the type of motor to be driven. Servo amplifier is one of those types using error-sensing negative feedback in order to correct the performance and accuracy of a mechanism. It is a special kind of electronic amplifier used to power up electric servomechanisms following the algorithm of servo motion control. It monitors the feedback signal from the servomechanism and performs contiguous adjustments for deviation from any expected behavior.


The motor being used is not mandatory to be a servo motor. In case of a servo motor being used, the servo amplifier first receives a host command signal from the control unit, then amplifies it as usual, and finally transmits current to the motor for producing motion in it. In this typical case, a sensor is generally attached to the servo motor reporting its actual status back to the servo amplifier.


Sensorless brushless motor controller or commuted motors, on the other hand are powered by direct current and have electronic commutation measurement. The limitations of brushed motors like lower efficiency and susceptibility to mechanical wear and frequent need for servicing  have been overcome by the brushless type.


The servo motion control is just a technique that can be used both in good old servo amplifier and the modern-age relatively cheap and much efficient sensor less brushless motor controller systems.





About the Author

Article by Jenny, content writer at Inter-Dev Internet Marketing Company, on behalf of – Custom Servo Drives


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