Thursday, August 18, 2011

Do You Know The Proper Way of Taking Care of Your Microwave?

Almost every kitchen has a microwave in it that is used periodically through the week. A microwave is used to warm things quickly since it can be done in the fraction of the time as compared to a stove or oven. This appliance is capable of defrosting food, boiling water, warming milk for bottles, and even cooking a meal in it. If you do not want the appliance to get damaged then you will need to properly clean it so it will last for many years. Keep reading to learn some helpful tips about the proper care of the microwave.

• A baby bottle should not be put in the microwave and heated up. The outside of the bottle will get hotter then the liquid on the inside and could burn your baby. If you are thinking about deep frying food in the microwave think again. Deep frying is for the stove or an actually deep fryer.
• The most popular item for the microwave is popcorn. Even though it is ok to pop the popcorn in the appliance you need to watch over it. Every machine is different and a fire could be easily started by overcooking the popcorn.
• Before putting any dish in the microwave you need to make sure it is microwave compliant. Non microwave dishes can melt because they are not suited for the high temperatures. You will also need to check any glassware before inserting it in the microwave. Never stick a metal or plastic utensil in with the food when heating it up. This can cause sparks and a fire that can do some major damage.
• If you notice the microwave leaking get it serviced immediately. Since it is run on electricity you are at risk of being electrocuted.
• If there is rust on the inside then again get it repaired immediately.
• For cleaning the doors and edges always use warm tap water and a detergent that is mild.
• Microwaves are not made for children so it is best to position them beyond their reach until they are older.
• Never use a metal dish or aluminum foil in the microwave. These can cause the microwave to emit sparks and start a fire.
• Before using the microwave for the first time it is best to always read the manual. The manual will tell you have to use the different buttons and what they are best to be used on. It will also give some tips about what can and cannot be used inside the microwave oven safely.

If you follow these easy tips the appliance will last in your kitchen for many years to come.

About the Author

For more information about Microwave and Microwave Ovens please visit our corporate website

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