Despite the reign of Apple's iPad, Samsung has managed to carve a spot for itself in the world of Tablet PCs. In 2010 they entered the market with their first Android tablet i.e. the 7" Galaxy Tab. While some instantly rejected it, Samsung did manage to make impressive sales on the device. In 2011, Samsung took a step further in their product range and came out with the highly coveted Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. After certain tweaks to this model to improve its performance the company finally came out with the enhanced Tab 10.1 which has superb specs and fulfills all user demands.
Let's start off by taking a look at the hardware and internals of this device. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 comes with the NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip and a dual-core processor that has 1GHZ, 1GB RAM and 32GB of storage space. The only drawback is that there is no external memory card slot so you need to manage with the 32GB of storage. The Tab has a display that comprises of a 10.1 inch TFT LCD screen with a resolution of 1280X800. In order to get connected you have the options of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 3.0 and HSPA+. All these features fit into a slim package that weighs a mere 565 grams which is about 36 grams lesser than the iPad 2.
The outer features of the Tab 10.1 are excellent and have a sleek and attractive appeal. The plastic back and the glass front provide a simple yet aesthetic design. However the biggest concern is that if the device is dropped it can result in scratches and cracks due to the glass front. By using Galaxy Tab 10.1 accessories users can make sure that their tablet remains protected from harm. However, it is important to choose the appropriate accessories in order to ensure that you can provide optimum protection and prolong the life of your Galaxy Tab. The most important thing is that you choose only original covers for your Tab. These are made specifically for your device and provide optimum protection. While choosing an accessory like the Galaxy Tab 10.1 charger ensure you find a website that provides high quality and original products.
About the AuthorBuy the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy Tab 10.1 accessories like Chargers, Cases, Screen Protector, Stylus, Stands & more. TabletMall – the online Tablet Accessories Store.
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