Monday, August 1, 2011

The Powerful Green Laser Pointer

 Lasers pointer are the devices which produce radiation with the unique properties. These properties that distinguish laser radiation from the radiation produced by more familiar sources such as the sun or the common household electric light bulb. When the radiation emitted by a source can be detected by the eye and produces a sensation of version, it is referred to as light whereas electric bulb produces radiation comprising many different wavelengths, perceived as white light and emits fairly equally in all directions.

The light spread out rapidly as the observer moves away from the blub. It is property which allows the illumination of large areas using a single light bulb. In contrast a laser pointer will produce radiation over a very narrow beam which diverges or spreads out very little with increasing distance from the source .Lasers pointer low divergence property means that   the leaser output is highly directional, forming a pencil like beam that will still appear as a small spot when shone against a surface, even at large distances. While considering laser pointer implications the laser pointer beam is an important parameter which is the amount of power in the beam divided by the cross sectional area of the beam.

This is called the irradiance and is usually quoted in watts per square meter Wm-2.A laser is a device which produces radiant energy primarily by stimulated emission .It is an acronym for light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation .Laser pointer  radiation may be highly coherent temporally ,spatially where basically it is an extremely powerful bright source light which can cause and damage to the eye .For example-a1mW visible laser is about 1,000,000 times brighter than a typical household100-watt light bulb.

A laser pointer is defined as a laser product that is usually handheld which emits a low variance visible beam and is intended for designated specific objects or images during discussion or presentation where these products are typically  class 1,2,3 where it shows the majority of the laser pointers are still legal to purchase laser pointer which can cause damage to the eye faster than in one blink of eye ,however local government have enacted with the regulations to reduce their custom  that exposure of a person eye to a monetary exposure of class 2 or class 3 laser pointer result due to  temporary flash which also cause blindness after image and glare which can be dangerous, in additional cases of rental  damages following multi second exposure to some laser pointer in these cases for individuals purposely prevented the aversion response which occur by holding their eyelid open.


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